Pizza Movie Night

There are a few hills I will die on. One is that Jesus is the author, creator and expert lover of me, of us.

The second hill I chose to guard with my life was supper time. I still kinda do. When we had kids at home and they turned into teenagers with places to be at all kinds of hours, I did my best to have dinner together. Conversation over food is the pinnacle of connection. I've heard the 'kitchen is the heart of the home.' I agree, but the dinner table is where love happens. At my house anyway.

Friday night pizza movie night is probably my third hill. I won't die on it, but I'll choose it first every week if possible.

I've been experimenting with pizza crust again and sharing tips and tricks with my son-in-law Gerrit who is a master baker by hobby. He taught me how to gently stretch pizza crust instead of roll it and the texture of the crust is so much better.

A word about flour. My apologies to my gluten-free friends for not including a recipe that works for you, but I have not learned how to make GF crust. I know there are lots of experts out there for you!

I know flour has declined in its quality. I decided to choose King Arthur Flours as it is made certified-third-party non-GMO certified. It uses NO BLEACH, no bromate, and no preservatives. It has a higher protein content and is made from Hard Red Wheat. They also make all types of specialty flours I have used as well. GF friends - they do make GF flour, though I have not tried it myself.

Really good food begins with really good ingredients. My husband would argue Valveeta is really good food, but it isn't. It just makes creamy queso when you add a can of Rotel and dip your chips in it. We often eat that while waiting for our pizza to bake. There are some recipes I choose good ingredients that are slightly more expensive over cheap, low-quality ingredients and flour is one of them.

This pizza crust is one of my favorites, but not the only one I use. It makes two 12-14 inch crusts depending on how thin you stretch it. I almost always make one and freeze one. When you take it out to thaw, it won't rise like the first time, but it takes just the same.

I bake this at 450 degrees for 15-18 minutes on a baking stone, bottom rack of the oven. It's so delicious I call it Yummy Honey Pizza Crust.

My current favorite toppings:

Whole milk mozzarella: Get a pound of whole milk mozzarella from the deli - in a thick slice and shred at home. The pre-shredded cheese has starch on it to keep it from sticking together and doesn't melt as well.

Salami without nitrates: Hard, Calabrese, or ​Sopresetta​

​Dei Fratelli Pizza Sauce​ - is my new favorite. 1/2 a can per pizza is perfect.

​Peppadew Peppers​ - sweet and spicy. If you live in Grand Rapids come and get these at Art Of The Table!

Honey or ​Mikes Hot Honey​ - drizzle this over the entire pizza when it comes out of the oven. Also found at Art Of The Table!

May you be nourished. May you share with others. May the hunger of your body and soul be satisfied.

Recipe Of This Month



1 ¼ cup warm water

1 tbsp yeast

1 tbsp honey

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tsp salt

1 ½ cup semolina flour

1 - 2 cups white flour. Add 1 cup at first, then 1/2 cup at a time (as needed)


  • Place warm water in a small bowl. Sprinkle in the yeast so it dissolves. If using instant yeast, skip this step.
  • In a medium bowl, put dissolved yeast, honey, olive oil and salt. Stir together.
  • Add semolina flour, stir/whisk together.
  • Knead in enough of the remaining flour so that a smooth dough is formed.
  • Divide the dough into 2 sections. Stretch out (or roll) each section of the dough into two 12-14 inch rounds.


  1. I make this all in a Kitchen Aid mixer.
  2. I cover my bowl with saran wrap and then a clean towel.
  3. I highly recommend using King Arthur Flour, white and unbleached. You can substitute King Arthur Pizza Flour for the Semolina flour. You can use all white flour, but the taste and texture are significantly enhanced with the addition of the semolina flour or pizza flour.

Here is a LINK to the printable recipe of

Yummy Honey Pizza Crust

There is just one recipe this month but...I've curated a list of Fantastic movies for your paizza movie night!

The Bank of Dave

Queen Pins


The Best Of Enemies

Grand Turismo

A Man Called Otto

All The Light We Cannot See - a four part series

Lessons In Chemistry - not a movie but a fabulous show - one season - based on a book. SO GOOD

If you have movie/show recommendations - please reply to this email and share with me!

Answer to February Question:

Do you need to wash lettuce?

From Laurie, a former caterer: Yes. A salad spinner is the easiest way to do so. Cut the lettuce into ribbons, then wash and spin in the salad spinner. Lay on a towel to dry.

I would add to Lauries suggestion, store your lettuce and veggies in Green Bags. I've used them for years and they significantly increase the time your greens and veggies stay fresh.

Here is what I use:

Oxo Salad Spinner

Green Bags

This months Question:

What are the quality cooking or baking ingredients you are willing to pay more for because they make a noticeable

difference in your food?

Reply to this email and let me know!

NOTE: As an amazon affiliate I earn a small amount on any product you purchase through these links without any increase in the cost to you.

Hi! I'm Laura DeGroot, The Caffeinated Woman

Food is my love language. I want to feed hungry people. So this year I've created a fusion of food for your body and food for your soul. This will be a year of delicious recipes I'm making now combined with relatable reflections divine readings from the book of John. If you consume what I'm preparing, you'll be nourished. That's a promise. Join me if you're hungry.

Read more from Hi! I'm Laura DeGroot, The Caffeinated Woman

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